Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Oscland Refugees Flooding Boarders!

TMI wishes it did not have to report on the flight of the Osclanders, but what else can it do? In what must be a desperate attempt to break the bonds that have held them captive the entire nation of Oscland has moved. Not since the time of the native American Indians Trail of Tears has the world witnessed such a migration.

TMI's own Mystery Reporter was early on the scene to report from the front. Here is his eyewitness account:
Everywhere I look I see people streaming across the board as Oscland simply takes up residency in this new place. The looks on the faces tell the whole story. They seem happy, almost giddy, as they survey their new surroundings. One can only imagine what hell they left behind.
TMI's crack research team has discovered that, according to GSO maps, Oscland is bounded by two likely hostile neighbors, Storkmark and Babkha. Both have a terrible history of aggression, unlike the peace loving Osclanders who want nothing more than to live their lives in fields of flowers. All attempts to contact representatives from either nation have failed. Both sides blame the other for this terrible turn of events.

We were, however, able to catch up with the ambassador from New Brittania to ask him what he thought of the situation and this is what he had to say:
Oh bugger off!
Well put sir, well put.

But the ugly face of conquest apparently will not allow that! No, their neighbors are pressing in and victimizing them every chance they get, and this is the awful result. Masses of people fleeing from the fighting as the world turns a blind eye. Where are the international peace keeping forces now when the Osclanders need them most?

Yes, TMI wants so badly to not have to report this story, but with nothing else interesting this will have to do. Of course we've heard the rumors that the announced move is nothing more than a spiffy new web presence, but we think there is a much deeper story. As with all TMI's hard hitting journalism, we do not let the facts stand in the way of a good story!

God bless the Oscland refugees in their quest for security and prosperity.

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