Friday, January 12, 2007

Recwars Give Way to Infrastructure Wars

TMI has sent its crack reporters to the front lines in the latest struggle for MicroWorld domination, national infrastructure. The nations of the MicroWorld have, by long standing tradition, withheld attacking each others technical services, but that has come to an end. No longer content to press their claims in such venues as the Geographical Standards Organization*, national leaders have declared open warfare on Infrastructure!

History will record that Neil Spall fired the first shot in what is sure to devolve into an all-out nerd fest brawl over infrastructure services by asking the seemingly harmless question:
Having trouble accessing all of the [EZ]boards. Is it down?
This simple question, being likened to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, has caused a conflagration of controversy as those responsible for national infrastructure seized on the opportunity to press their claims to superiority. The conflict cannot be contained to simple forums, soon web servers, web hosts, banks, and even individual browsers of choice will be drawn into the conflict as all out war for technical supremacy begins!

TMI attempted to contact Mr. Spall to ask about his reckless query, and received no reply. Several other MicroWorld leaders also refused to comment, even though they had not been asked. With the shroud of secrecy descending upon the gathering forces, their is bound to be a bloodletting like the MicroWorld has never seen. TMI begs the leaders of the MicroWorld to allow cool heads to prevail and not allow this one poor choice of words to plunge the MicroWorld into utter darkness.

Or, baring that, to at least continue to read TMI.

* oh yeah, and that other map system, whatever it's called, national leaders have

1 comment:

Ben Gray said...

This however has been occurring for much longer than before this incident. There have been arguments over banking systems, such as the post-based economies, phpBank, and the pernnially bust MX2. Webhosts too have suffered from problems in this regard, as the quality of freewebs and .tk is denigrated over having your own host, with the .com derided in favour of the .net or .org

This is not a new conflict.