Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bergen Conference Sells Uncertain Future

Readers, as most of you probably know the Bergen Conference has proved to be an initial success with a good number of nations represented.

Taking center stage from the onset is the uncertain future. It seems Hanover is intent on stitching together some loose coalition. TMI feels this is just another step in their effort to rule the world. Dont' believe Hanover wants to rule the world eh? Just ask their King. TMI did and this is what he had to say:
Of course We want to rule the world. It seems like fun.

Others are also jumping on the bandwagon. Mr. Tomsett proved he was Alexander's lapdog by making early proclamations of just how great the coalition would be, if only he'd had the time to read the constitution. When asked about this he said:
I don't need to read the constitution, I trust Alexander!

But not everyone is happy. Not by a long shot. Ascalon quickly denounced the whole affair, and others promptly labeled it a YAMO. King Charles August of Gotzborg was seen leaving the conference muttering under his breath. Fortunately TMI has very sensitive microphones and caught part of his mutterings on tape:
of all the pompous arrogance! Hanover seems to think it always knows best.

Still, overall the proposal is not the overt power grab some have claimed it to be. TMI wonders if this one issue will taint the entire conference, or if the conference can address the other issues facing MicroNationalism. Who knows? MicroNationalists are often single-issue voters and once something starts bothering them it's all downhill from there.

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