Friday, January 26, 2007

MN Independent Named Gold Standard!

Nathan of Natopia names MN Independent the standard for all MN tabloids. When asks specifically about his literary habits he had this to say:
Of course I read other publications. The new MicroPrivate Eye is very good. But, the MN Independent has its own appeal. It is like watching a train wreck. You can't tear yourself away from it even as you desperately wish you could. Someday everyone will be reduced to a drooling moron waiting for the next installment of the TMI, but until then they have various ways to induce drooling.
TMI is very pleased to be the standard by which all other MN publications are judged. Of course, TMI is not surprised. With our crack staff on the job no story, real or imagined, goes unreported.

Still, there might be room for improvement. And therefore TMI has commissioned the blog-vs-pdf poll to see if TMI should consider a change in media.

In fact, we have thrown open the doors to all media being considered: email, letters, telegram, telephone, personal messenger and even smoke signals are all under review. You can use this community input request time to voice your preferences.

We want to reassure all our readers (both of them) that TMI will continue to publish the highest level of journalist investigations found in the entire sector no matter what media we use.

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