Friday, January 5, 2007

MN Independent Celebrates 1 Week!

In the fast paced world of MN specific publications, few stand out like TMI!

TMI considers this one week of service today and is celebrating by, of course, not providing service. No, rather than carry on in the tradition of excellence that TMI has so carefully crafted over its 168 hours of existence it will shirk it's responsibilities to the community and blissfully revel in it's unprecedented success.

TMI has amassed a tremendous following already. All people everywhere turn to TMI when they need news, information, gossip, and pure fantasy about Micronations. No other publication can boast such a dedicated and diverse following. Even dead people read TMI.
I read TMI for the photos
- Hugh Hefner

Actually, there is one piece of news that even TMI cannot ignore today, and that is the most recent KZFO episode. KZFO pretends to be a radio station, but everyone knows it's just a pod cast. Can you imagine the chutzpa of that? That's like a mundane run of the mill blog pretending to be a printed newspaper! TMI would never admit to stooping to such tricks, unless of course, it netted us some readers.

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