Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kingdom of Lovely Rails Against Its Own People!

TMI is shocked to have to report that the Minister of Foreign Relations for the Kingdom of Lovely has classified a broad majority of people, apparently including Lovelies, as "silly".

In a scathing review of what his own people think the Minister shows his utter contempt for the majority and his elitist attitude. His cutting remark was aimed at those who support the HTML technology over his personal favorite PDF, precisely because it is his favorite.

Of course, TMI could not leave well enough alone and tracked down the Lovely Minister to pester him with follow up questions with the intent of publishing compromising materials out of context, but it turned out subterfuge was not needed. When asked what he meant by "silly" he replied:
It's all in good fun.
Good fun indeed sir, at the expense of your population. This seemingly benign phrase points out just how deep the disdain for his fellow man goes. He is intent to have fun out our expense, and we could not agree with him more! TMI is in complete support of laughing at those of lessor fortune and skill. The world is a cruel place. Those of us on the top should look down our noses at those below us, that's why we have noses.

Still, TMI takes umbrage at the Minister attempting to horn in on the action TMI reserves for itself. We simply cannot allow just anyone a soap box to spew forth their opinions and theories. Those functions are reserved to us, the free press. All government officials are hereby given notice that failure to comply with the TMI demand that only TMI associated publications are allowed to call people names, even in jest, will find themselves on the receiving end of our scorn or applause, as we see fit.

What has to be the worst part of it, particularly for the Lovelies, is that the Minister is a seasons political operative and he had to know he was crossing lines you just don't cross, and yet he did it anyway.

Silly Minister.

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