Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Lovely Upgraded to MesoNation

TMI staff has learned that the nation of Lovely, once the shining poster child for micronations everywhere, has been placed in a wholly new category called mesonation. Mesonations are not big enough or strong enough to be called a macronation, nor are they worthless and insignificant enough to be called a micronation.

For years the Mysterious Organizing Body (MOB), the governing body that decides just exactly which nations may be prefixed with micro or macro designations has struggled to place Lovely in the right category. It clearly has too many citizens to rightly be called a micro, but is not even half as serious as any macro on earth.

In a compromise decision that is bound to irritate everyone the MOB decided to add a new class to supplement the traditional micro/macro dichotomy with the introduction of the meso class. The new class is to act a third group distinct from the others, and not as a scale designation. When asked to explain the spokesman for the MOB had this to say:
It's not big, bigger, biggest. It's more like red, green and blue. No one thinks "hey, blue is bigger than red". They are just different.
This, of course, flies in the face of years of traditional thinking in which the micro/macro prefix was clearly a size indicator. When asked about the impact this would have on the relations between micro and macro nations His Majesty King Danny I said:
This is only going to make things worse. Many macronation desperately want to be recognized by micronations and with this they will only be confused. Macronations are, by their very nature, intensely stupid and bound to screw this up. What do you think is going to happen when the USA finally discovers that it not only has micronational ambassadors to worry about, but now has mesonational ones as well?
Such astute observations are exactly why he is the King.

Of course, the controversy goes far beyond Lovey. This is just the tip of the iceberg as now any nation, can apply for meso status under the misguided belief that meso is better than micro. The feeling was summed up well by a MOB agent who wished to remain anonymous:
This opens Pandora's box! Think about it. By allowing any nation to apply for meso status we could have bug-nations misrepresenting themselves just to be able to claim mesonation status.
The MOB man refused to identify which nations he thought were "bug-nations", but he did follow with "They know who they are."

TMI has also learned that the MOB is considering a fourth designation, the minination, but has refrained from further implementation when faced with such overwhelming negative community feedback. Whatever happens, you can be sure TMI will be at the forefront bringing you the most important facts as fast as possible, perhaps faster.

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