Wednesday, January 3, 2007

TMI Starts Movie Review Craze!

TMI is proud to report than it is a trend setter. Having made a simple visual reference to the movie V for Vendetta the community is now abuzz with V trivia and other movie minutia.

Everyone knows the V for Vendetta is likely the best movie about the triumph of a masked man against an oppressive government every made. The sheer realism of the movie puts it in a class all by itself.

Of particular interest is the depth of the interest. Not only are newcomers talking, but long time and well established folks such as Graius and Emperador Augustin.

This new craze of reviewing movies, especially as to how well they size up against other media, leads TMI to the conclusion that some folks just don't have anything important to talk about, or possibly that movies are just fun and TMI shouldn't make to much of it. But as anyone knows, TMI never hesitates to blow things completely out of proportion so long as it serves the narrative of the moment.

The astute observer will note that respectable personalities, say the King of Goztborg, never respond to publications such as TMI. (More likely is that TMI has simply been paid off not to publish the dirt it has on those folks.) Whatever the reason the greats of the MN community are oblivious to the buzz going on around them. This level of disconnectedness cannot bode well. How can a nation be lead by people who don't watch movies?!? Or worse, what is the fate of a nation lead by people who watch bad movies?

Everyone knows V for Vendetta is the best movie every filmed, next to The Princess Bride (another masked man makes good movie). To prove the point TMI has sponsored a survey that shows how much everyone loves V for Vendetta. The findings are irrefutable!

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