Tuesday, January 9, 2007

TMI Follows in MacArthur's Footsteps

From the newsreel:

On this day, Gen. Douglas MacArthur and the American 6th Army land on the Lingayen Gulf of Luzon, another step in the capture of the Philippine Islands from the Japanese.

The Japanese controlled the Philippines from May 1942, when the defeat of American forces led to General MacArthur's departure and Gen. Jonathan Wainwright's capture. But in October 1944, more than 100,000 American soldiers landed on Leyte Island to launch one of one of the bloodiest battles of the Pacific war-and herald the beginning of the end for Japan.

Newsreels captured the event as MacArthur waded ashore at Leyte on October 20, returning to the Philippines as he had famously promised he would after the original defeat of American forces there.

Yes my friends, while some had dismissed TMI as a mere flash in the pan, having predicted its failure TMI continues to march on and continues to land headlines around the world!

When the King of Stormark told TMI to "Shove off and die," it was about as close to an all out defeat as faced by American troops in the Philippines as TMI has ever seen, and on the way out the Mystery Reporter retorted "I'll be back". Apparently not all TMI staffers know the difference between MacArthur and Schwarzenegger, but don't get all caught up in it, they are virtually identical twins. None the less, TMI has regrouped over the weekend, and stormed ashore once again to stake a claim in the MN Blogosphere.

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